Thursday, April 11, 2013


Saw this really cool site on Facebook the other day!  And I got goose bumps and all excited about it ... it's called One Word 365.  Of course just seeing those three words "One Word 365" aroused my curiosity.  Why, because I'm like a little kid, I'm all about Why, What, How, When, Where, What For, but mostly Why

So, I clicked on the site and I see the words, "One Word Can Change Everything".  What a cool concept!!  The more I read the more I wanted to participate and find my one word, my one focus for the year.  The first word that popped immediately into my head was listen (or hearken).  Why, because my husband always tells me that I don't listen to him.  But like I tell him, if you'd get my attention and talk to my face and not at my back you'd have my undivided attention and I'd hear you.

So, here is a bit of trivia for you ... In the King James bible - how many times will you find the word listen?  Go to Bible Gateway and check it out using the keyword search, and King James version.  How many? ONE, that's it, no more.  But you'll find hearken (listen) all over the bible. 

Sorry, I digressed a bit here.  But now I need to know why ... why is listen only showing up one time in the King James bible?  So now I have to do some research!!!  BECAUSE, I want to know why and what.  What does listen (hearken) mean?  So I google search *hebrew word for listen* and I find "The Glorious Gospel" blog and find this cool article on Hearing is Obeying.

It's amazing when God talks, because when you "listen" and "hear" His voice you "obey"!  And I felt God telling me that my word shouldn't be to listen, but to obey.  Because the more precise translation of listen and/or hear is to obey.

God doesn't want us to listen/hear, what he wants us to do is obey.  And when I obey, I am being obediant to His Word, to His purpose he has for my life.  And in my "obedience" I hear His voice calling out to me.  My "One Word 365" this year is Obedience! 

Job 33:33  If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Thief in the Shadow

Do you realize there is a thief in our shadows?  It's the one who wants to drain you of everything that is good and pure and right. 

Thieves come like a shadow in the night to steal ...
  1. They zap your energy and fill you with doubt.
  2. They steal your confidence and leave you full of questions.
  3. They don't respect you and you end up not respecting yourself.
They don't care for you and soon doubt creeps in.  You question whether your good enough.  You question if your the right person to lead the project, soon you start to believe the lies and soon you find yourself sinking down into the mire, the muck and the mud.


This ain't no dog and pony show ... you have got to wake up!! 

Don't you realize - Christ died on the cross for you.  He died so that you would live!  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  If you were to die today, would you be with Christ today?  Don't let the thief steal you away in the night.  Live daily in God's promises and put your hope in Him!!