Friday, January 3, 2014

OneWord365 - Open

Wow or Whoa, where did the time go!  Sadly, looking at my blog site and other's I must be the lamest blogger in the world ... nah, just the busiest and that is why I don't have many posts out there. :-)  (Please just indulge me for the moment since I don't get many visitors to my site either.)

2013 was a great year for my OneWord - Obedience. In my "obedience" this past year God opened a lot of doors for me.  For instance, I've always loved teaching Sunday School but had only done it for little, little kids ... this past year I had the opportunity to teach again but this time it was for adults.  I can honestly say I was not ready for it.  And sometimes it still terrifies me still because I want to make sure that I am teaching the way the Lord would have me to teach and I've never taught adults.  So if you're reading this please pray for me as I need alot of direction!

So, what you do when those doors are opened is a whole other chapter ... and that's what has brought me to my new word this year.

My new OneWord365 is Open - open God's Word, open to receive His teaching, open my ears to His calling, open my heart to receive His direction in my life, open to all the possibilities that God has to offer, open to new adventures, open ...  The winds of change are upon me and what I do with it from here will make all the difference in the world, not only for me but for others as well.

Lord, I am your child - open up my heart and soul to your calling Lord.  Teach me your ways, give me the strength to be open to all possibilities this year!  Open my eyes to see what you see Lord so I don't judge and I am better able to discern what is really happening in the individual lives that I affect.  Open my heart so that I can be focused on the road ahead and willing to help out where needed and to make a difference.  Open doors that have never been opened before and stretch my mind, body, and soul.  Am I scared - you better believe it, but I am your servant Lord and I am ready to grow.  Keep me open minded Lord, keep me open to receive your calling, keep me focused on the goal ahead.  And thank you Lord for your mercy and grace, in your holy name, Amen.

What's your OneWord?  Feel free to share!